Activities with a Bear


Who doesn’t like hanging out with Yogi Bear™ and Friends? They sure like hanging out with North Texas Jellystone Park™ visitors!

There are many opportunities to meet and greet our furry Jellystone™ ambassadors. You really never know when you’ll run across a bear tootling around the park on their golf cart with their handler! During our scheduled activities, there are several special times that you know you’ll get to be with them. One of the bears always comes out to greet our guests during the Fire Truck Ride, the “Hey, Hey, Hey” Ride, and the “Bear Roll” Train Ride. You can also participate in activities such as Dancing with a Bear, Art Zone Crafts with a bear, pledge and photos with a bear and much more.

Want to make sure you’ll get a “beary” close encounter with one of the bears for your birthday? You can request a birthday visit!